Links to PHYS 161 Stuff




Current syllabus, schedule, rules, etc

161 Spring24 Syllabus


161 Spring24 Schedule


161 List of required versus recommended homework problems



PHYS 161 Workbook Materials

161Workbook Solutions

Workbook solutions, free electronic version of Chapter 1, and supplemental handouts

Links for purchase:

     Volume 1 on Amazon   (used first 6 weeks)

     Volume 2 on Amazon   (used last 12 weeks)

Can also get them in the bookstore…

Jorstad’s PHYS 161

Video Lectures

Playlist on Youtube

These recordings are decent.  I had to run the camera myself which slowed me down a lot.  Also, the whiteboard was worn out so erasing the board took forever.  Spring 2022 class helped me timestamp most of the vids.

PHYS 161 Lab Materials


Lab Manual, Handouts, Rubrics, and Excel Sheets

161 Practice Exams


These are Jorstad’s most recent 161 exams (and solutions). 

Grade Calculator for courses with labs



Openstax book

We start at Unit 1, Chapter 1 (shortcut to 1.1)

If you reach a “Check your Understanding” while reading you can click on the number to see the answer.  To get back to the reading, click on the number next to the answer. 


Note: all concept questions (CQ’s) are solved in openstax. 

Only odd problems (P’s) are solved in openstax.


To find the CQ’s and P’s: go to Chapter Review and SCROLL DOWN (shortcut to Ch1 review).


To get answers: click on the number next to any given problem.  To get back to the problems, click on the number next to the answer.  Alternatively, open the answers in a separate tab and scroll around.

First Day Slides
