Links to PHYS 161 LAB Stuff

Potentially Helpful Links



Lab training vids on YouTube

This has all kinds of stuff on using MS office in lab.

Coding training vids on YouTube

161 stuff at the top, 163 stuff near the bottom.

Instructions for getting pycharm IDE

Written by a student during Fall 2019

Instructions for GlowScript Dark Mode


Lab Manual Appendices Revised 6/26/15


 Info on using DataStudio, XL, etc.

Error Analysis Handouts

Revised Spring 18

Brief Error Analysis.pdf


Full derivation/example of Error Analysis for a=2x/t2

Potentially useful for labs requiring error analysis.

Brief Formal Report Tips


For formal written reports.

Oral Presentation Links

Links to Excel Sheets & Handouts


Oral presentation style guide

Consider viewing some of these parts of the video clip.  Consider the list at right if you only need one piece.

0:00 Intro
3:05 Font style/size
5:29 Color contrast
8:50 Layout (heading, text, lists)
11:19 Use of empty space
12:20 Simple image on each slide
13:51 How many slides to show
14:57 Avoid busy slides
19:10 Data: Don't overdo it
21:21 Minimum essential components
25:19 Structure of a good talk
26:30 Use of home slide
29:27 Meat & Taters; Keeping the audience's attention
31:45 The specificity dive
35:07 Conclusions
37:40 Conclusion/Q&A slide
38:33 Conclusion of this actual presentation

 161 1st Oral Presentation Rubric

Sample Pres & Sample Excel Sheet

OralPres1 NON-CODING Handout

OralPres1 CODING Handout




Training Vid for Making Slides





08/22—Possible fixes for Tracker video errors

Euler-Cromer Method Handout

 161 2nd Oral Presentation Rubric

 OralPres2 NON-CODING Handout

OralPres2 CODING Handout




 161 3rd Oral Presentation Rubric

 OralPres3 NON-CODINGLab Handout

OralPres3 CODING Handout



Team Member Evaluation Form

Team Member Eval Forms


Lab Title (Coding Labs at the bottom)

Links to Excel Sheets & Handouts


Error Estimation and Using Excel

Errors & Excel Lab Handout


Paper and pencil activities for sig figs, % errors, propagation of error, Excel formulas & plotting.

Introduction to Statistical Uncertainty

Intro to Uncert Lab Handout


Discuss avg, stdev, and Standard Error associated with multiple groups each getting avg & sigma.  Apply knowledge to golf ball drop & ping pong ball drop.

Math Modeling of1D Motion

Math model 1D Motion Handout




Do first task on screen together as a class.  Then require 2 tasks with questions or 4 tasks without questions. 


The first 2 pages of 161handouts.pdf are step-by-step instructions for making scatter plots (with screen shots).

Freefall with spark timer

Freefall Handout


Vectors with Force Tables

Vectors Handout



Projectiles Handout



Contains several variations in handout.  Be sure you know which variation you want them to do...

Newton’s 2nd Law Part 1 (Fletcher’s Trolley)

N2L part 1 Handout


This one uses a Fletcher’s trolley and stopwatches.

Newton’s 2nd Law Part 2 (angled)

N2L part 2 Handout


This one uses an angled Fletcher’s trolley and photogates.

Static Friction Only

Static Friction Handout

3 experiments use hockey puck on incline

to compute mu_s

Kinetic Friction Only

Kinetic Friction Handout

3 experiments use hockey puck on incline

to compute mu_k

Static and Kinetic Friction Together

Static AND Kinetic Friction Handout

2 experiments measuring mu_s, 1 measuring mu_k

all use hockey puck on incline

Circular motion (swinging stopper)

Circular motion handout


Practice to get the technique right...especially practice how to stop the thing without getting hit in the face.  Definitely wear eye protection for this one.

Work and Energy

Work & Energy Handout

1. simple pendulum at angle...get v_bot

2. interrupted pendulum...get largest circle radius

3. Atwood’s with spring...get k

Focus on getting data & simplest error analysis (avg & stdev type stuff). 

Inelastic collisions

Inelastic collisions handout



Elastic collisions

Elastic collisions handout



Ballistic Pendulum

Ballistic Pendulum Handout



Old Rotation Lab

Old Rotation Handout

For various shapes: rotation2.0.xlsx

For variable point masses: rotation2.0c

Still a decent lab. Get I of turntable then choose to add disk, ring, and rod (with point masses) or rod with variable position point masses.

Torque & Rotational Energy

Torque & Rotational Energy Handout

Students do Atwood’s machine with massive pulley using multiple radii and swinging rod with point mass.

Worked example for use before task 1 (~30 min).

Worked example for use before task 2 (~30 min).

Angular momentum (collision with rotation)

Angular momentum handout


Drop objects onto spinning disk.

Buoyant Force

Buoyant Force Handout


Lower aluminum cylinder into beaker while recording forces using Pasco Force Sensor.

Coding Labs

Links to Training Vids & Handouts


Let’s Code Physics YouTube Channel

VPython for Beginners Playlist

Great series of vids if you are just getting started.

First 10 vids or so are pretty darn useful.

Installation guide for pycharm IDE (circa2020 or so)

Jose M’s PyCharm handout


Cool handout describing method for chi square test to determine uncert in fit parameter


Link to a set of Python Physics Tutorials


Numpy Tutorial


Vector Decomposition & Addition with Python

Vector Training Vid



Requires use of

Free but requires google ID.

Instructions to get started in glowscript included in handout.

Copy a code which draws a coordinate system & single vector decomposed into components.  The components are shown added tail-to-tip with the resultant being the initial vector. 

Modify the code to display graphical addition of three 3D vectors and associated resultant.

Making Your First Simulations With Motion

Animation Training Vid



Make your first animation using a while loop. Contains a long code filled with “bells & whistles” such as waiting for a click to run, making a plot, creating titles & captions, etc.

Projectile Simulation (with & without drag)

Animation Training Vid



Copy my code without drag.  Read how to add in drag.  Make the appropriate code modifications.  Use the tricks from the last page of 161FirstMotionSims.pdf to make a final code that outputs potentially useful data.

Simulate Blocks on Plane with

Friction and Hanging Mass



The following variation on this handout (including some FBDs) may be useful.  SimBlockInclineFriction 

Code provided for a single block on plane with friction.  Code fragment for creating the objects for adding in a hanging mass (but none of the physics coding).


Discuss the pseudo code with students so they can think through the if/else conditionals...

Estimate & visualize center of mass positions

for various 1D, 2D, & 3D shapes

Training Playlist (~1hr total)



Code provided for uniform rod.  Fragments to modify for non-uniform rod.  Code for triangular plate.  Fragments or almost nothing for semi-circular plate, frustum, hemisphere, and arc. Students really ready.

Rotational Kinematics & Rod Pendulum Visualizations

Short training vid

Long vid (a & w as scalars)

Long vid (a & w as vectors)


First make a rotating rod.  Then add in a point mass on the rod.  Draw velocity arrow for point mass.  If torque has been covered, also add in simulation of a uniform rod pendulum.

Static Equilibrium Visualization

Training Vid



Do a static equilibrium problem analytically then try visualize the forces.  In theory you can work up to making a plot of tension versus cable location.

Universal Gravitation Visualizations

Training Vid



Code provided for two fixed points masses and compute/draw force arrows.  Students modify to add a third fixed point mass.  Next code provided animates one of the point masses.  Students modify to animate the other one.  Students modify code to analyze orbits and escape velocity.